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Bríet átti afmæli:

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21 árs?

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Arnór Dan:

Litla fjölskyldan:

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? #togetherathome

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Eurovision 2020 var aflýst:

Barn á leiðinni hjá Alberti Guðmundssyni:

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September 2020 ?

A post shared by Albert Gudmundsson (@albertgudmundsson) on

Ásdís Rán:

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Many days now in isolation in sofia, everything’s closed for so long, no place’s open, no meetings, no gardens, no nothing! Only allowed to stay at home and have a walk ?? I have to say that I’m impressed!! Because while it was only under 10 people infected they closed everything, schools and basically everything besides pharmacy and supermarkets. In Iceland today it’s around 600 people sick with the virus and they still allow mostly everything, schools still open, bars, companies…. small bann have been set for meetings over 100 people and I’m afraid things will go out of hands now because of very strange light laws compared to all other countries in Europe who are totally closed for a long time now. But please keep save people and stay isolated… ❤️ I don’t believe this is the right way to do it but what can I say…

A post shared by IceQueen Official ~ Ásdís Rán (@asdisran) on

Aníta Briem kláraði tökur á Skjálfta:

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And it’s a wrap! ? Feeling very fortunate to have completed filming on our beautiful little movie. It’s been an intense journey shared with some very gifted and incredible people in every post. Skjálfti/Quake is written and directed by @tinnahra , based on the acclaimed book Stóri Skjálfti by Auður Jónsdóttir. Some badass women. ▫️ I’ve been through enough in my life to be able to really appreciate all the gifts I’m given, and the opportunity to tell this story is definitely one of them ?? Especially in times where it is suddenly very easy to see what’s really important. Didn’t hurt that my sister @katrinbriem (commonly referred to as Lil Briem) was there as script supervisor trainee and then script supervisor. So proud of her. ▫️ Sending love to everyone out there (not that anyone is still reading this outrageously long post). We’re all in this together ♥️♥️♥️ #skjálfti #quake #independentfilm

A post shared by Aníta Briem (@anitabriem) on

Ísland í dag:

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Ísland í dag

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Steindi og Dóri DNA fóru í villta vestrið:

Þessi fóru í brúðkaup:

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Ég ELSKA brúðkaup!

A post shared by M A N U (@manuelaosk) on

Ólafur Darri:

Erna Kristín:

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Bros smitar líka ?⁣ ⁣ Weird times to be alive right ? Ég ætti að vera gera mig tilbúna fyrir Afríkuferð núna ? & er bólusett fyrir öllu sem mögulega hægt er að fá, en gæti samt alltaf fengið veiruna sem hefur sett plánetuna okkar á hliðina ?? Svona óvissa fer misvel í fólk, fyrir mig virkar best að halda í jákvæðnina & húmorinn….öðruvísi tekur kvíðinn völd. Ég fer eftir tilmælum yfirvalda en leyfi mér að brosa, leika, hlægja og þakka fyrir forréttindastöðuna sem ég og fjölskylda mín erum í. Að vera í einangrun og erfiðum aðstæðum en samt í algjörum lúxus aðstæðum eru forréttindi. Sumir fara í gegnum allt lífið í ótta og jafnvel án heimilis. Það er mikilvægt að sjá þetta og nýta þessa undarlegu tíma í að horfa inná við, í kring um okkur og þakka fyrir allt það góða & mikilvæga. Fólkið okkar, landið okkar, yfirvöld, hjúkrunarfræðinga og aðra heilbrigðisstarfsmenn, leikskólakennara, kennara, afgreiðslufólk í búðum & alla þá sem vinna dag & nótt svo við hin getum haldið í lífsgæðin okkar. ⁣ ⁣ Ég ætla að halda fast í jákvæðnina þrátt fyrir tekjutap & annað sem ég mæti á þessum tímum. Því þrátt fyrir það þá sit ég enn í forréttindastöðu, er heilbrigð & fæ auka tíma fyrir heimilið og nánar samverustundir með fólkinu sem ég elska ❤️ ⁣ ⁣ Ps ég ætla skora á ykkur að dreyfa kærleika & brosum á samfélagsmiðlum, því bros smita líka ???#brossmitarlika

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Auður og félagar:

Jón er vel skóaður:

Annie nálgast hálfnaða meðgöngu:

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YEAH she’s getting bigger closing in on 20 weeks ? second session today I did at home ⁣ ⁣ A)⁣ 20min emom ⁣ 1min cal on bike ⁣ 1min 5 squats 5 jump squats …⁣ ? ⁣ I worked for 50 sec then 10 sec off⁣ ⁣ You can go full out – I went according to my hr but the 10 sec helped me to be able to move continuous ⁣ ⁣ B)⁣ 5 times through ⁣ 3min amrap 1 min off⁣ 1km/850m bike remaining time 20-30 push ups/I did box dips and banded shoulder presses remaining time⁣? ⁣ C)⁣ 10 min emom⁣ First minute 15 cal bike ⁣ Second min 14 cal bike ⁣ …⁣ Last min 6 cal bike ⁣ ⁣ @frederikaegidius did this with burpees starting 20 down to 11? Pre recorded “Live class” tomorrow for free at 1pm GMT 0 – on my YouTube channel Link in bio @neoufitness @reebok @roguefitness

A post shared by Annie Thorisdottir (@anniethorisdottir) on

Linda P:

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⁠I am pretty fascinated with human optimisation.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ I love to learn new things and have a wide span of interests.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Last year I graduated with a PPE degree (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and before that Graphic design. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ?Today I got certified as a Life Coach and Weight Coach. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ I take time to dream. To figure out what I want to do next.⁠⠀ And how to best execute my dreams. ⁠⠀ Then I go after them.⁠⠀ I don’t let others define who I am. ⁠⠀ I believe we can achieve what we set our minds to.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Give yourself permission to dream bigger, live happier and achieve success on your own terms. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Cheers my friends. ⁠⠀ ? It is time to celebrate!

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Aron Einar minnist félaga síns:

Halldór Helgason:




