
Gaf barni brjóst á tískusýningu: „Trúi ekki að ég sé á forsíðum blaðanna fyrir svona eðlilegan hlut”

Fyr­ir­sæt­an Mara Mart­in vakti athygli á tískusýningu Sports Illustrated á sunnudaginn þegar hún gaf dóttur sinni brjóst er hún gekk á bik­iníi um sýn­ingar­pallinn.

Í frétt BBC seg­ir að Mart­in hafi haldið á fimm mánaða gam­alli dótt­ur sinni, Aria, í fang­inu á tísku­sýn­ing­unni og gefið henni á brjóst.

Martin var hissa á athyglinni sem hún fékk í kjölfarið en hún tjáði sig um málið á Instagram síðu sinni.

„Ég trúi því ekki að ég sé að vakna við fyr­ir­sagn­ir um mig og dótt­ur mína að gera eitt­hvað sem við ger­um alla daga,“ skrif­ar Mart­in á In­sta­gram.

Skiptar skoðanir eru á atvikinu en á meðan sumir hrósa Martin í hástert vilja aðrir meina að hún sé athyglissjúk.

Martin segir sjálf að athæfið ætti ekki að vera á forsíðum blaðanna enda séu margar aðrar konur að gera mikilvægari hluti. Hún segist þó vera þakklát fyrir það að vera í stöðu til þess að senda skilaboð um hvað brjóstagjöf sé eðlilegur hlutur.

Wow! WHAT A NIGHT! Words can’t even describe how amazing I feel after being picked to walk the runway for @si_swimsuit. Anyone who knows me, knows it has been a life long dream of mine. I can’t believe I am waking up to headlines with me and my daughter in them for doing something I do every day. It is truly so humbling and unreal to say the least. I’m so grateful to be able to share this message and hopefully normalize breastfeeding and also show others that women CAN DO IT ALL! But to be honest, the real reason I can’t believe it is a headline is because it shouldn’t be a headline!!! My story of being a mother and feeding her while walking is just that. Last night there are far more deserving headlines that our world should see. One woman is going to boot camp in two weeks to serve our country (sorry i don’t know your IG handle ????????‍♀️), one woman had a mastectomy (@allynrose), and another is a cancer survivor, 2x paralympic gold medalist, as well as a mother herself (@bren_hucks you rock) Those are the stories that our world should be discussing!!!! Just thinking about all that was represented there… I desperately need to give the most thanks to @mj_day for this. She supported me in what I did last night. Without her support this wouldn’t even be discussed!!!! She and the entire Sports Illustrated family are the most amazing and incredible team to have worked with. THANK YOU for letting all 16 of us be our true selves, strong beautiful women!!! Because of you, my daughter is going to grow up in a better world, where she will always feel this way!!!!!! Lastly, to every single woman that rocked that runway with me. Be proud. I know I am of you! You all have inspired me in ways unimaginable. I love you all!!! #siswimsearch

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