
20 hlutir sem eru STÆRRI en þú hélst! – MYNDIR

Þessir 20 hlutir eru svo pottþétt stærri en þú hélst þeir væru – en það sést fyrst þegar við fáum að sjá þá í samanburði við aðra hluti.

#1 A Full Grown Wombat

A Full Grown Wombat

#2 This Is How Many Earths Would Fit Inside The Sun

This Is How Many Earths Would Fit Inside The Sun

#3 Giant Leatherback Sea Turtle

Giant Leatherback Sea Turtle

#4 This Is How Big A Billion Is

This Is How Big A Billion Is

#5 Giant African Land Snail

Giant African Land Snail

#6 Size Of A Blue Whale’s Heart

Size Of A Blue Whale's Heart

#7 Eagle Talon Vs. Human Hand

Eagle Talon Vs. Human Hand

#8 Size Comparison: Titanic Vs. Modern Cruise Ship

Size Comparison: Titanic Vs. Modern Cruise Ship

#9 Quetzalcoatlus Northropi Model Next To A 1.8m Man. The Largest Known Flying Animal Ever Exist

Quetzalcoatlus Northropi Model Next To A 1.8m Man. The Largest Known Flying Animal Ever Exist

#10 Fully Inflated Horse Lungs

Fully Inflated Horse Lungs

#11 The Great Pyramid Of Giza Compared To A Human

The Great Pyramid Of Giza Compared To A Human

#12 A Moose

A Moose

#13 Wolf Size Compared To Coyotes

Wolf Size Compared To Coyotes

#14 Humback Whale And Diver Shake Hands

Humback Whale And Diver Shake Hands

#15 This Is How Big Some Road Signs Are

This Is How Big Some Road Signs Are

#16 A Bus, For Size

A Bus, For Size

#17 A Traffic Light

A Traffic Light

#18 Salt Water Croc Is An Absolute Unit

Salt Water Croc Is An Absolute Unit

#19 If The Moon Was Replaced By Saturn

If The Moon Was Replaced By Saturn

#20 Michaelangelo’s David

Michaelangelo's David




