
Veiðimaður sýnir DJÚPSJÁVARVERUR sem fæstir vita að séu til – fólk vill hann hætti því! – MYNDIR

Rússneski veiðimaðurinn Roman Fedortsov er ansi duglegur að setja inn myndir af djúpsjávarverum sem slysast í netin hjá honum.

Fólk trúði þessu ekki til að byrja með, hélt að þetta væri Photoshoppað eða gervifiskar einhverjir – en svo áttaði það sig á hryllilega sannleiknum: Þessar verur eru í alvörunni til.

Nú vilja allir að hann hætti að pósta þessum myndum, því að það verður bara hrætt við að sjá hvað hafsbotninn hefur upp á að bjóða:

#1 „I’m So Ugly, But That’s Okay“

"I'm So Ugly, But That's Okay"

#2 It’s Beautiful

It's Beautiful

#3 „Scary Beauty In My Hands“

"Scary Beauty In My Hands"

#4 „The Underwater Space Is Impressive“

"The Underwater Space Is Impressive"

#5 „Anybody Home?“

"Anybody Home?"

#6 „Looks Like Cartoon Dragon. No Photoshop“

"Looks Like Cartoon Dragon. No Photoshop"

#7 „The Beauty From The Sea Bottom“

"The Beauty From The Sea Bottom"

#8 „Total Recall. Sea Edition“

"Total Recall. Sea Edition"

#9 „This Is Psolus Phantapus! Real Cool Guys From The Depths“

"This Is Psolus Phantapus! Real Cool Guys From The Depths"

#10 „These Fishes Remind Me Of Dwarfs From ‘Lord Of The Rings'“

"These Fishes Remind Me Of Dwarfs From 'Lord Of The Rings'"

#11 „Teeth. Terrible Teeth“

"Teeth. Terrible Teeth"

#12 „Another Pretty Creature From The Bottom Of The Norwegian Sea“

"Another Pretty Creature From The Bottom Of The Norwegian Sea"

#13 „The Point Is To Choose The Right Perspective“

"The Point Is To Choose The Right Perspective"

#14 „Shell Pike. Beautiful Creation“

"Shell Pike. Beautiful Creation"

#15 „Congratulating All Girls With The 8th Of March!“

"Congratulating All Girls With The 8th Of March!"

#16 „Zoom Photo. Look In Those Sad Eyes“

"Zoom Photo. Look In Those Sad Eyes"

#17 „Nervous People Better Not Look“

"Nervous People Better Not Look"

#18 „Lumpsucker. They Are Used As „Cleaner Fish“ To Reduce The Parasite Burden On Salmon Farms In Scotland And Norway“

"Lumpsucker. They Are Used As "Cleaner Fish" To Reduce The Parasite Burden On Salmon Farms In Scotland And Norway"

#19 „Natural Born Killer“

"Natural Born Killer"

#20 „Unusual Cod From Norway“

"Unusual Cod From Norway"

#21 „Fantastic Four. My Sea Edition. I Like This Fish“

"Fantastic Four. My Sea Edition. I Like This Fish"

#22 „Remora From Different Sides“

"Remora From Different Sides"

#23 Chimaera


#24 „Redfish, Only Redfish“

"Redfish, Only Redfish"

#25 „Hellboy’s Fish“

"Hellboy’s Fish"

#26 „No Need To Invent “Monsters” Nature Has Already Done It“

"No Need To Invent “Monsters” Nature Has Already Done It"




