
10 uppfinningar sem leysa vandamál – sem eru ekki til! – MYNDIR

Hann Matt Benedetto er vöruhönnuður sem sérhæfir sig í uppfinningum sem leysa vandamál sem eru ekki til.

Vöruúrvalið hans er yfirfullt af vörum sem enginn hefur beðið um, svo honum fannst hann verða að gera þær að veruleika.

Hér eru 10 af uppfinningar sem leysa vandamál – sem eru ekki til:

Meet The AirSticks

The Chopstick Extensions for your AirPods

Listen to music on your way to a sushi lunch

And never forget your own chopsticks!

The Anywhere Hook

Your personal coat hook!

That goes with you anywhere that you go

The PillowOne S

The mattress in a box for your smartphone!

Your phone deserves a good night charge too!

The Do Not, Paint Roller

Curb your OCD and need to label everything

Even the walls you aren’t supposed to paint!

The Inferno Knuckles

The essential at home nighttime protection device

Illuminate the way as you check and protect yourself from a home invader

The No Booze Ice Cube Tray

Trying to drink less during the week but still craving your favorite cocktail?

Ditch the booze while still mixing yourself a “Vodka” cocktail with this no-calorie alternative

My Perfect Hogan

Have you always been jealous of Hulk Hogan’s pristine handlebar mustache?

– – – – Look no further with this new shaving staple to get the perfect replica handlebar mustache for your face

The CalfScratch

Stop reaching down when your knee-high socks are making your legs itchy

Conveniently scratch your calves anywhere & anytime

The Driver Snack Tax Tube

On those road trips, transport your favorite snacks directly from the backseat into the drivers hands safely and easily

Don’t hog all the good stuff back there!

The Front2Back Case

Quit only getting photos of your friends when you know you are looking good!




