
Skipti út gítörum tónlistamanna fyrir HUNDA – Sérvaldir eftir persónuleika listamannsins! – MYNDIR

Við elskum tilgangslaus Photoshop verkefni og þessar myndir eru sko engin undantekning frá þeirri reglu.

Hér er búið að skipta út 20 gítörum tónlistamanna fyrir hunda – hundar sem voru sérvaldir eftir persónuleika listamannsins – og það er tær snilld:

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitars replaced with a dogs.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.

Guitar replaced with a dog.




