
Russell Crow er kominn með prýðilegan PABBALÍKAMA! – Hann var í aðeins betra formi í Gladiator!

Stórleikarinn Russell Crow hefur leikið í mörgum risamyndum og hefur yfirleitt verið í rosalegu formi. Hann er þekktastur fyrir hlutverk sitt í Gladiator frá árinu 2000 en þar fór hann á kostum.

Russell Crow er hægt og rólega búinn að vera kveðja línu eltingaleikinn síðustu ár. Núna leyfir hann sjálfum sér að stækka og hann er kominn með ágætan pabbalíkama í dag. En er það hvort sem er ekki það sem stelpur vilja í dag?

Feeling nostalgic? Russell Crowe, 52, channeled his Romper Stomper character with a crew cut, as he worked on his fitness at a park in Sydney's Woolloomooloo on Sunday

Rabbiting on: Russell worked on his fitness with a park kick about using a rugby league ball branded with the logo of his beloved South Sydney Rabbitohs

Low-key: A black tank with the text 'The Water Diviner' in reference to one of his past films, showed off his arms and skimmed over his frame

Getting a kick out of it? The father-of-two sported a subtle beard and appeared to channel his character Hando with a crew cut, in the 1993 drama film, Romper Stomper

In his league: Russell was seen kicking around a NRL Sydney Rabbitohs football, for which he is a club co-owner

Getting his kicks: Russell showed good form as he booted the ball down the park

Switching it up: A few attempts at throwing a basketball in the hoop, finished off the outdoor session

Putting in the hard yards: The New Zealand-born star dropped to the ground, performing a series of tricep push-ups

Focus: The father-of-two appeared to be in the zone during the outing




