
Skemmtileg myndasyrpa náðist af Nicolas Cage DAÐRA við konu! – Svo kom maðurinn hennar!

Nicolas Cage hefur leikið í mörgum misgóðum bíómyndum. Hérna er hann á veitingastað og sér konu sem honum líst greinilega vel á. Hann fer að tala við hana og allt bendir til þess að þetta gangi vel hjá honum. 

How you doing? Nicolas was enjoying some sushi, sake, and beer when turned his attention over to the unknown woman

Charmer: The actor reached over and shook her hand, introducing himself as Nicolas Cage 

Getting to know each other: The woman looked surprised to be finding herself chatting with an A-lister 

En síðan mætti maðurinn hennar á milli þeirra og þá sér maður hvað Cage verður svekktur. Nicolas Cage var ekki lengi að láta sig hverfa eftir þetta…Whoops! The woman's husband eventually put an end to the conversation when he joined his wife at the restaurant 

Three's a crowd: The brief flirtation came to an end when the woman's husband showed up and sat down next to her 

Strike out: The 53-year-old looked a bit dejected after the woman's husband showed up

Enjoying himself: Nicolas appeared to drinking sake before he started talking to the woman

Heading out: Nicolas gave a wave as he left the restaurant and walked past the couple 

Mixing patterns: The National Treasure star was wearing a plaid button-up shirt under a plaid blazer 

Glaring: The man watched Nicolas as he walked out of the crowded restaurant 




