
Hún deildi mynd af KÆRASTANUM og Twitter fór á hliðina! – Alveg eins og Michael Jackson!

Þessi stelpa er alveg rosalega skotin í kærastanum sínum og hún ætlaði að deila því með heiminum hvað hún væri heppinn. Hún setti myndina á Twitter og þessi mynd vakti rosalega athygli.

The real one? It's clear to see the similarities between Lourdes' image and the popstar himself -unsurprising as the Twitter user's image was revealed to be of a Jackson impersonator

Það er kannski ekkert skrýtið að þessi mynd hafi fengið mikla athygli þar sem kærastinn er nákvæmlega eins og Michael Jackson. Fólkið á Twitter skemmu sér konunglega við að koma með brandara tengda þessari mynd…

King of Pop: Twitter users replied with fun comments that referenced the King of Pop's greatest hits including Smooth Criminal

Ow! Fans asked the real question to Lourdes in their investigation of the doppelganger

Conspiracies! Some users even began to ponder conspiracy theories over Michael's love life

Can't stop, won't stop: His 1979 single Don't Stop Till You Get Enough was a hit in the replies

Start of something new: The viral photo certainly started an online uproar for pop star likeness

Real deal: One user honestly told Lourdes that she was simply dating the real Michael Jackson 

Shocked: Memes and gifs abounded, many of which featured shocked reactions, like this wide-eyed woman

Shamone! Another user declared that the doppelganger, and Lourdes, didn't care for the witty comments, while he made a song reference himeslf

The real questions: A MJ fan was dying to know if the famed Annie of the hit Smooth Criminal, was okay, an inquiry the artist repeated over and over in the song

Seeing double: Literally, Sergio was a spitting mirror image of the late Jackson Five singer

Billy Jean crisis: Fans had fun with Billy Jean references, which in this case pitted Lourdes as the girl who claims Sergio 'is the one'

Popcorn time: The comments were so amusing one fan posted this  to share his entertainment




