
Myndirnar á Instagram:,,Húsavík með The queen of the north!“

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Sóli Hólm:


Selfie í ræktinni:

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Katrín Tanja:

Meðganga farin að styttast í annan endann:

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??38+ weeks?? Feeling good still except for my skin on my belly is literally about tearing apart, its starting to feel really uncomfortable ? also, there is no chance of “resting” when you have two other kids ? _ Anyway, booked in tomorrow to have the first sweep (don’t know how to spell it, but trying to get something started) it never worked with my other two boys so I don’t really have high hopes? but at least we are going to try that. _ Now many would probably say “why rushing it, baby’s come when they are ready?” (have had this conversation a few times now) … _ First of all I think 38 weeks is just enough? the baby’s are basically ready and the only thing happening after that is the baby gets bigger and of course the belly follows and everything gets harder, not even sleeping comfortably ??‍♀️ but thats just my opinion.. and second of all, Aron is leaving for work 3 days after my due date so it would be a lot better if I had the time to recover after giving birth for a bit longer before he has to go since we are not able to have family coming over? _ Fingers crossed it’ll work?? maybe baby Aronsson or Aronsdottir will be here soon, we’ll see?

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Eva Ruza:

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Felt cute, might delete later

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Katrín Edda skellti sér í Dirndl:


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Sætar mæðgur:

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Allir flottir hér

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Heiðar Logi:

Sara Björk:

Hafþór í kvikmyndatökum:

Þórdís Björk:

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