
Myndirnar á Instagram:„Mamma þú ert eiginlega bara krúttleg sko….ég er núll hræddur“

Fanney Dóra birti fallega meðgöngumynd:

Erna henti sér í Hrekkjavöku gervi:


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Leon Bassi: Mamma þú ert eiginlega bara krúttleg sko….ég er núll hræddur ??

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Það gerði Eva Ruza líka:


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Happy Halloween people! Fjórði meðlimur Þríeykisins sem stjórnar landinu á þessum (næstum því) fordæmalausu tímum lifnaði við í kvöld- Doktor Dúlli. @tinnamiljevic strikes again. Eftir langa pásu fengum við systur ástæðu til að henda í eitt gott skrímsli once again. Mini Halloween Horror Show á @k100island ! Tinna tók það 2 another level, bjó til maðka/lirfur, límdi á mig skegg, tók úr mér augað og þið vitið. Gerði her thing? Ég var btw eineygð í 5 klukkutíma og 30 mínútur. -Nennir einhver að hringja í lækna Tómas (@tomasgudbjartsson) og láta vita að ég kemst ekki á vakt í kvöld . Fékk eitthvað í augað… Takk @partybudin fyrir samstarfið❤ #halloween#halloweenhorror#specialeffects#makeup

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Stefán John fór á Vestfirði:


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• Creativity • Always fun trying something different. On our way home now after an amazing weekend at Westfjords ✌?☺️

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Katrín Tanja lenti í öðru sæti á Heimsleikunum:


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2nd Fittest in the world ✨??☺️ I am a little at loss for words right now & going to take some time to process it all, but for now the words that come to my mind are THANKFUL & PROUD. – What a way to end this season – It’s been one of my most challenging years to date, but I truly wouldn’t change it for the world. Every journey brings it’s own meaning & this one brought me a wider PERSPECTIVE & a whole new sense of gratitude & awareness for the present moment – it’s really taught me to soak in each moment & it got me to appreciate every second I had out there on the competition floor. ✨? – More than just this Games week itself it’s THE JOURNEY we took to get there & a very very very big focus on the “WE” that it took to get here. This has been a crazy but woooooonderful journey & my favorite part about it is the people I have along with me in it. EVERY year is a team effort but this one I swear, it was more than ever. Feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have the people that I do in my life. – Thank YOU to all of you for all the sweet wishes & messages. They mean the world to me ❤️ 2020 goes down in the books an one to remember. ✨? xxx (PS guess I wasn’t THAAAAAT lost for words at all hehe ?)

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Daði og Gagnamagnið fara í Eurovision 2021:


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Dream team! @gagnamagnid @eurovision 2021 ?Baldur Kristjáns

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Sverrir Bergmann og Kristín eiga von á sínu öðru barni:

Gott mót hjá Sveppa:


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Gott mót

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Aron Mola:


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Expectations vs reality

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Happy Halloween:


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?? Happy Halloween ??

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Andrea fékk sé hund:


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COCO ? – #cotondetulear #puppy #coton

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Ég er mamma mín:

Friðrik Ómar sendir baráttukveðjur:

Hressar mæðgur:

Helgi Ómars fékk sér bíl:


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first car ?

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Þessi fjölskylda er klár í slaginn:



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GAME ON ?? – Amma Ásta var fljót að bregðast við nýjustu tíðindunum í Covid-stríðinu.

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last weekend?

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