
Myndirnar sem slegið hafa í gegn á Instagram síðustu daga:„Tómur salur en fullir hausar af visku“

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Styttist í barn hjá Móeiði:

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Bumbi ?

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Egill er í góðum málum á Balí:

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kominn á stjá og allir í góðum málum á balí ?

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Girnilegur hádegisverður hjá Ásu Regins:

Steindi fór á Fetish Con:

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Fetish Con í kvöld kl 20 ? #SteindaCon

A post shared by Steindi Jr. (@steindijr) on

Dóra Júlía er við öllu búin:

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color coordinate

A post shared by Dóra Júlía | J’adora (@dorajulia) on

Rikki G átti afmæli:

MR vann Gettu Betur:

Aron Mola er þakklátur:

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Það fær því ekki lýst hversu þakklátur ég er með lífið mitt í þessum töluðu orðum. Ég á heilbrigðan strák, ég á heilbrigða konu þrátt fyrir að fjölskylda hennar sé öll í sótthví. Hún stendur alltaf við hliðina á mér og hefur mótað mig sem einstakling á þessum 5/6 árum sem við höfum verið saman. Ég á frábæra vini sem eru alltaf til staðar. En fyrst og fremst er ég þakklátur fyrir tækifærin sem ég hef fengið. Í kvöld var frumsýning á stóra sviði borgarleikhússins, söngleikurinn 9líf sem fjallar um líf jarðýtunnar Bubba Morthens. Þetta er búið að vera ólýsanlegt ferli. Takk allir sem hafa trúað á mig í gegnum tíðina. Ég segi bara eins og kóngurinn sjálfur “ástin er allt sem þarf!”

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Eiður Smári, fyrir 27 árum:

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Just about 27 years ago today? #tbt

A post shared by Eidur Gudjohnsen (@eidurgudjohnsen) on


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A post shared by Bubbi Morthens (@bubbimorthensofficial) on

Flóni og lag ársins:

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Falskar ástir lag ársins, takk fyrir ?

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Vilborg Arna:

Aníta Briem í tökum:

Systur í NY:

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Dásamlegt í New York með bestu sys ❤️

A post shared by Fanney Ingvarsdóttir (@fanneyingvars) on

Ragga Ragnars:


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Ekkert eðlilega hagstæð lýsing

A post shared by Friðrik Dór (@fridrikdor) on

Kristbjörg minnist vinkonu sinnar:

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Happy birthday to my beautiful angel? _ Fanney was without a doubt the biggest “birthday kid” ever! She absolutely loved celebrating peoples birthday but especially her own❤️ Fanney would actually be mad to me if she would wake up on here special day and there wouldn’t be a msg from me or a birthday post on fb? _ Today has been really tough day for me, I’m actually still waiting for her call to tell me off cause I still haven’t heard from her to wish her happy birthday? _ I have missed some of her birthdays for the last 7 years since I have been living abroad and therefore sometimes I couldn’t be around for a visit on that time but we always made it up when I came home and did a little celebration??‍?‍??❣️ _ Looking back on the time since she was diagnosed and then taken away from us I cant help being angry with myself for not going home for her special day last year which apparently was her last birthday? If I had only known how serious and how far gone the cancer was? _ Today has been weird and if I’m honest I have been dreading it, being by myself and not with our amazing group of girls and your amazing family celebrating your day like you would have wanted us to do❣️ _ Fanney, you had the most beautiful and the kindest soul I have ever known in my life. You were always nice to everyone, you gave the best advice, you were the stubborn one which was a lost battle from the beginning to argue with. Funny, crazy, talented, amazing mom and just so caring. _ Words can’t describe how much I miss you! It’s just not the same without you? I love you so much? @fancye87

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