
Margrét Gnarr var heltekin af líkamsrækt: „Ég vona að þessi færsla veiti innblástur“

Fitness-drottningin Margrét Gnarr birti í gær færslu sína á Instagram-síðu sinni vakið hefur mikla athygli. Á færslunni sem sjá má hér að neðan birtir Margrét tvær myndir.

Á annari myndinni segir hún líkama sinn vera í góðu jafnvægi en á hinni segist hún hafi verið með þráhyggju fyrir útliti sínu.

„Að keppa í vaxtarrækt þýðir ekki endilega að þú fáir átröskun. Ég hef undirbúið mig fyrir sýningar og gert það á heilbrigðan. En þá fæ ég fæ þráhyggju fyrir útliti mínu, hverju ég er að borða og hverju ég er ekki að borða. Þá veit ég að ég er ekki á góðum stað,“ skrifar Margrét.

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Competing in bodybuilding does not mean you get an eating disorder. I have prepped for show’s and done it in a healthy way but as soon as I get obsessed with how I look, what I should & should not eat I know I am not in a good place. When I get obsessed I know I am allowing my eating disorder to control me & I no longer enjoy prepping. It’s hard getting out of it & last year I had to stop competing because I knew how far the obsessiveness could take me. . I has to take a break to bring balance back into my life. I had to allow my mind & body to heal. People ask me all the time when I will step back on stage & my answer is “When my body & mind has healed” . I’m in a very good place right now & I feel more & more balanced every day. I still have bad day’s… There are day’s when my eating disorder voice tries to convince me I need to look differently & tells me to not eat & exercise more. But that voice hasn’t been able to take a hold of me. The thoughts come up for couple of seconds or minutes & when they do I need to let go. I need to remind myself of how far I am in my recovery & why I want to stay in recovery?? . I’m in recovery because: 1️⃣I want to feel healthy,strong & balanced 2️⃣I want to be a rolemodel & help others who are struggling 3️⃣I want to be able to be present in my loved once lifes . If you have any questions on what more I do to stay in recovery please leave a comment below & I will answer all of your questions? . I hope this post inspired anyone today? . #edrecovery #ed #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodypositive #transformationtuesday #bikinicompetitor #ifbbpro #bikinipro #recovery #gainingweightiscool #edwarrior

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