Donald Trump, Bandaríkjaforseti og Kim Jong Un leiðtogi Norður Kóreu funduðu í nótt í Singapúr. Þeir undirrituðu sáttmála sem sneri að kjarnorkuafvopnun á Kóreuskaganum.
Fundurinn hefur vakið mikla athygli um allan heim en margt skondið átti sér stað í nótt. Hér að neðan má sjá skrítnustu augnablikin frá fundinum.
1. Viðbrögð Kim Jong Un við því þegar Donald Trump reyndi að slá á létta strengi.
getting very hyped about the new season of the office
— Eydís Blöndal (@eydisblondal) June 12, 2018
2. Þegar Trump sýndi Kim bílinn sinn.
WATCH: President Trump walks with Kim Jong Un to show off his presidential limousine that is nicknamed "The Beast."
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 12, 2018
3. Þetta myndband sem var spilað fyrir fréttamannafund Donald Trump.
President Trump played quite a dramatic video before his press conference ?
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) June 12, 2018
4. Þegar Dennis Rodman fór að gráta í viðtali við CNN eftir fundinn
Dennis Rodman gets emotional talking about the death threats he received after he traveled to North Korea. "I couldn't even go home, but I help my head up high."
— Beatrice-Elizabeth Peterson (@MissBeaE) June 12, 2018
5. Þetta penna fíaskó
Anyone else spot this? There were two "Donald Trump" signing pens, NK official came in and shined up the one for Kim, then at the last minute Kim Yo Jong pulled out her own per to use instead of the one provided. Kim used that and back it went in her blazer. (Pool video)
— Martyn Williams (@martyn_williams) June 12, 2018
6. Þegar Trump sagði að pólitísku fangarnir í Norður-Kóreu væru sigurvegarar dagsins
Trump called the estimated 200,000 political prisoners in North Korea "one of the great winners today" even though he secured no promises from Kim Jong Un on their behalf.
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) June 12, 2018
7. Þegar Trump talaði um að í Norður-Kóreu væru fallegar strandir sem væri hægt að byggja hótel á.
Trump says you could have the "best hotels in the world" on the beaches that North Korea uses for its artillery drills
— Gearoid Reidy (@GearoidReidy) June 12, 2018
Trump on the North Korean problem: "Think of it from a real estate perspective."
— Anna Fifield (@annafifield) June 12, 2018