Það er eitthvað svo ógleymanlegt þegar að vinur þinn eða fjölskyldumeðlimur klúðrar einhverju skemmtilegu – enda eru góðar líkur á því að það sé ósjaldan minnst á þetta atvik þegar þið hittist.
Hér eru 12 bráðfyndin klúður þar sem að eitthvað vægast sagt óvænt gerðist – sem allir sem sáu og upplifðu eiga eftir að muna það sem eftir er!
#1 „My sister accidentally washed her head with a hair remover lotion.“
#2 „Your face when a baby ordered pizza for $94 through an app“
#3 „My friend shook water off his umbrella and drew a map of the world.“
#4 „This dog accidentally took part in a marathon and finished in 7th place!“
#5 „I accidentally took a flight to another dimension.“
#6 „My friends accidentally shot a box of fireworks into another box of fireworks.“
#7 „A life hack on how to tell your husband that his favorite wool sweater shrank after washing“
#8 „I broke the cutter and accidentally created a very dangerous apple.“
#9 „An electrician accidentally made holes in the freshly restored ceiling of the New York Public Library…which cost $12 million.“
#10 „The worst parking skills ever!“
#11 Who ordered the second pizza on a cardboard crust?
#12 „The face paint washes easily off skin,“ they said.