Leikararnir hér fyrir neðan láta það ekki stoppa sig ef þau þurfa að léttast eða þyngjast fyrir hlutverk í bíómynd og hafa í raun fagnað áskoruninni.
Það er ótrúlegt að sjá hvað þau geta breytt sér fram og tilbaka – enda eru þetta engar smá breytingar:
#1 Christian Bale had to gain 45 lb for his part in Vice.

#2 Chris Pratt slimmed down and got pumped up for Guardians of the Galaxy.

#3 Jennifer Aniston put on weight for Cake.

#4 Adam Driver lost 50 lb for his part in Silence.

#5 Matt Damon gained 30 lb for The Informant!

#6 Joaquin Phoenix put on weight for You Were Never Really Here.

#7 Charlize Theron had to gain 50 pounds for her leading part in Tully.

#8 Hugh Jackman had to lose 33 lb for Les Misérables and then to gain muscle mass for The Wolverine.

#9 Anne Hathaway lost 24 lb for her part in Les Misérables.

#10 Jake Gyllenhaal lost 22 lb for Nightcrawler and then pumped up for Southpaw.

#11 Colin Farrell put on more than 45 lb for his part in The Lobster.

#12 James McAvoy became way more massive for Glass.

#13 Jonah Hill lost weight for Maniac.

#14 Chris Hemsworth had to lose 33 lb for his part in In the Heart of the Sea and then get back his muscle mass for Thor: Ragnarok.