
14 öryggisráðstafanir sem þarf NAUÐSYNLEGA að endurhugsa! – MYNDIR

Það eru nú til ansi margar góðar öryggisráðstafanir þessa dagana og miðað við vinsældir glæpaþátta þá ætti flest fólk að átta sig á mikilvægi þess að gera öryggisráðstafanir og þekkja helstu mistökin.

En það stoppaði ekki þessar 14 manneskjur frá því að gera öryggisráðstafanir sem þarf nauðsynlega að endurhugsa:

#1 We wonder if the owner of this bike misjudged the situation, or, did they just hope that the illusion of being locked up would be enough to deter a thief?

Security Fails bike lock

#2 Imagine if you forgot about the chains and tried to drive off!

Security Fails car wheels chainedSecurity Fails car wheels chained

#3 You can’t always rely on technology…

Security Fails car window locks

#4 That’s the least menacing security ‘dog’ we’ve ever seen!

Security Fails dog

#5 Why not just have a normal door handle here?

Security Fails door code

#6 ‘I’ll never forget the time my mom installed this lock on one of her bathroom drawers when I was a kid…’

Security Fails drawer lock

#7 The Bank of Melbourne is clearly a very trusting organisation!

Security Fails duct tape atm

#8 Good try…

Security Fails electric fence

#9 We know people like to have things for decorative purposes but this is just silly!

Security Fails isolated gate

#10 You wouldn’t want to mess with a home that has knife wielding robot as security, right?!

Security Fails knife on robot

#11 We hope that this was just a bit of fun…

Security Fails paperclips

#12 This barrier is clearly doing its job fantastically!

Security Fails road barrier

#13 Busted!

Security Fails sleeping guard

#14 Here’s what we like to call the ‘trust’ lock! It’s there to notify people the locker is in use but bears no actual protection, you just have to trust that people won’t steal your stuff.

Security Fails trust lock




