Það er engin leið að stjórna því hvaða gen við fáum frá foreldrum okkar, svo að það er soddan lotterí hvað við endum með að fá og hvað ekki.
Flest okkar eru samt á því að það eru sumir hlutir sem geta pottþétt ekki gerst, sérstaklega ekki ef foreldrar okkar eru svona eða hinsegin.
En hér eru 15 myndir sem sanna að genalottóið getur svo sannarlega komið okkur skemmtilega á óvart:
1. “My twin brother is an Irishman, but I am not.”

2. “I am half Asian and half European, but I have red hair. How do you like the mixture?”

3. “Many people think that my eyes are with lenses or that it’s Photoshop…”
“…and then I show them my childhood photo with Mom.”

4. “I am not an albino, and I am not a Melanesian. I am a light-eyed, light-haired, and dark-skinned person. I do exist.”

5. “I have a unique sister: she has red hair and heterochromia. A masterpiece of genetic art!”

6. “People always ask me what’s wrong with my eye. And I answer: sectoral heterochromia.”

7. “This is distichiasis, when eyelashes grow in 2 rows.”

8. !!!!!!!

9. “We are the largest albino family in the world, and we are proud of it.”

10. “My father is dark-skinned, and my mom is white-skinned. Shall I mention that no one believes this?”

11. “Twins married twins. Such things happen.”

12. “All our family members have red hair! Except for my granny and aunt.”

13. “My friends match each other perfectly.”

14. “Sisters with opposite genes. One parent is Irish, one is Italian.”

15. “No one believes that we are twin sisters because I am black and Lucy is white…”