Stjörnur eiga það til að verða frægar fyrir ákveðið útlit og/eða sérstakan stíl og þau festast því oft í því útliti.
Umboðsmenn og leikstjórar hvetja eða jafnvel heimta að stjörnurnar breyti ekki þeim einkennum sem þau eru fræg fyrir – og miklir peningar geta verið í húfi.
En hér eru 15 stjörnur sem hlustuðu ekki á neitt svoleiðis og ákváðu að breyta skyndilega um útlit – og nú þekkir maður þau varla.
15. We believe that Jason Momoa is perfect no matter what he does.
14. Kristen Stewart made a brave and impressive change.
13. John Travolta is enjoying his bald moment.
12. A new hairstyle turned Rowan Blanchard into a completely new person.
11. Ariel Winter had a lot of fans doubting if this was really her in the photo.
10. Zayn Malik looks so romantic now.
9. Dylan Sprouse made his way from a boy to a mature man.
8. Emilia Clarke’s look can change, but her smile will always be the same.
7. Lena Waithe shares her experience with a radical transformation.
6. We never knew that Chris Pratt had to lose weight to get the role in the Guardians of the Galaxy.
5. The last time Charlize Theron was brunette was about 12 years ago.
4. To beard or not to beard? Zac Efron has the answer.
3. Joey King also prepared some inspiration for you.
2. We can’t decide which Lana Condor look is cooler.
1. This is the news that all of Katy Perry’s fans have been waiting for.