
18 myndir sem SIGRUÐU í Photoshop bardögum – Svona á að gera þetta!

Af og til þá koma svo einstaklega vel fótósjoppaðar myndir á netið að þær eru settar á Reddit þráðinn r/PhotoshopBattles.

Myndirnar hér fyrir neðan eru sigurvegararnir síðustu árin:

#1Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#2Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#3Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#4Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#5Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#6Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#7Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#8Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#9Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#10Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#11Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#12Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#13Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#14Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#15Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#16Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#17Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.

#18Funny photoshopped version of the original picture.




