Það er ansi erfitt að búa til einstaklega góðan hlut, annars myndu allir gera það og við þyrftum ekki á starfstitlinum „hönnuður“ að halda.
Þar sem að það er ansi erfitt að búa til öflugar vörur þá eru ansi fáir hönnuðir í heiminum sem hafa náð því – en sumir þeirra eru svo góðir að þeir eiga bókstaflega heima í sögubókunum.
Hér eru sköpunarverk 20 hönnuða sem eiga einmitt þann heiður skilið:
This refrigerator has revolving levels so you can reach everything easily.
A wheelchair accessible swing
Street murals that come to life when it rains
This device helps to wash windows from both sides, even on high floors.
Modular touch wall lighting that helps create various shapes on the wall with the help of light
Compact shoe racks
A drone chair alternative to a wheelchair
A book that allows you to see what chapter you’re reading
The functional design of this rug and table combo
An egg box that can be used as a holder
This bench has solar panels to charge your phone.
Glasses that allow you to adjust the lenses to your unique level of vision
The perfect way to brighten up a fracture
A sofa with playing space for cats
Not hi-tech, but very practical: toilet paper rolls that come with a travel roll instead of a cardboard tube
A socket that solves the problem of long, dangling wires
Reversible seat backs on a tram
When the competent curvature of lines turns one thing into a multifunctional interior item:
A keychain with a soothing bubble wrap effect
When it’s more than just a bangle…much more!