
20 konur sem styðja byssueign í Bandaríkjunum – með djörfum myndum!

Það eru margar herferðir í Bandaríkjunum sem eru með eða á móti byssueign, en fáar sem nota sömu aðferð og þessi.

Konur sem styðja byssueign í Bandaríkjunum hafa tekið upp á því að birta djarfar myndir af sér með byssum og gera því byssur kynæsandi.

Hvort sem það er á samfélagsmiðlum eða á áróðurssíðum byssueigenda þá hafa þessar myndir slegið í gegn:

#140 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#240 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#340 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#440 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#540 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#640 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#740 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#840 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#940 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1040 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1140 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1240 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1340 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1440 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1540 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1640 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1740 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment


40 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#1940 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment

#2040 Fine Ladies Supporting The Second Amendment




