Það eru fá tímabil í lífinu sem eru jafn óþægileg eins og gelgjuskeiðið – en þetta eru mikilvægar breytingar sem við erum að fara í gegnum.
Flest erum við ánægð þegar þetta tímabil er búið og þakklát fyrir manneskjuna sem við breytumst í – og allir sem þú sérð á fyrir og eftir myndunum hér fyrir neðan eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa einmitt verið MJÖG ánægð þegar gelgjuskeiðið var búið.
Þetta kallar maður sko breytingar til hins betra:
1. “13 to 20. My mom gave me that haircut.”
2. “(13–25) Uhh, being nice on the inside, oh and getting new eyebrows, is the best advice I ever got.”
3. “I’m thankful braces exist (12 to 20).”
4. “13–22. Got myself bigger glasses.”
5. “12–21. Same backyard, same camera, but a genuine smile.”
6. “I was told this belongs here. 13–34”
7. “16 vs 23. I had a bad time during all my school years, from elementary to college, until I reached my 20s.”
8. “My uncle called me a ‘Caveman’ growing up! Eventually figured out my hair situation. (10–19)”
9. “19–27. Lost weight. Got a haircut. Learned to dress. Learned to talk to people. Realized that hating myself was no way to live.”
10. “Age 17–24, I was bullied a lot growing up.”
11. “16–30. Still a nerd tbh.”
12. “11 vs 28, lost that baby fat and learned how to smile.”
13. “2011–2018 (16 years old vs 24 years old)”
14. “(13–19) same guy, just different tie”
15. “14 to 22. Well done, puberty.”
16. “12–27. Lost a chin, but gained a smile”
17. “16–22. The years in between these 2 were rough.”
18. “13 to 24. Got contacts, stopped brushing my hair, and found puberty.”
19. “13–21. Staying hydrated and eating matters.”
20. “4 years later (16–20)”