Það getur verið ansi erfitt að fara í gegnum gelgjuna og breytingarnar sem fylgja henni, en sem betur fer erum við flest ánægð með líkamlegu breytingarnar sem eiga sér stað á þessum árum.
En svo eru líka hlutir sem breytast bara ekki að sjálfu sér eða með tímanum – hlutir sem eru erfiðir og tímafrekir – og það krefst hugrekki að ráðast í þær breytingar.
Þessar 22 manneskjur hér fyrir neðan eiga það öll sameiginlegt að hafa umbreyst svo mikið að það er varla hægt að þekkja þau á gömlum myndum – og það er ansi magnað að sjá breytinguna:
1. “Middle school was a rough time. Luckily the lack of attention from boys helped me focus on school!”

2. “I spent years putting off losing weight but I’m so glad I finally stopped making excuses.”

3. “Lost weight. Got a haircut. Learned to dress. Learned to talk to people. Realized hating myself was no way to live.”

4. “Green is still my favorite color, and getting older isn’t so bad!”

5. “Grew up fat and decided to finally do something about it 3 years ago.”

6. “Took about a year — I’m now trying to put on muscle.”

7. “Proper diet, walking, and cycling has shown results.”

8. 4 years of development

9. “It took 4.5 years on and off to see changes but they were achieved.”

10. “Even my family doesn’t recognize me these days. It’s nice.”

11. “Face comparison of 3 years in my transformation. Who knew I had dimples!”

12. “My face was always red, I was angry at my dad, and was ready to die for punk rock. Now my skin is healthier and I love my dad.”

13. This guy was bullied a lot while growing up. But it just made him stronger.

14. “I started because I thought I loved a girl but found out I loved myself instead.”

15. “I came across this old video of me. I never realized I was as big as I was.”

16. “13 vs 24, I looked like a brown Peter Griffin.”

17. “This is me in April 2017 and Sep 2018. The feeling of not being skinny fat anymore is incredible to me.”

18. “Lost 110 lb in 18 months after a rugby injury, started rowing for my university, and got my MSc in mathematics.”

19. “My transformation of 4 years from skinny fat to fit”

20. “Years ago, I was depressed and had a problem with binge eating. Now I’m happier and healthier.”

21. “2015 — 2019 — I basically cleaned myself up and started over!”

22. “I’d like to think the past 9 years have been kind to me.”