Það er ekki jafn auðvelt og það virðist vera að ná ljósmynd sem er fullkomin – og fullkomnar ljósmyndir eru ekki alltaf jafn „fullkomnar“ og þær virðast vera.
Gott dæmi um það eru þessar 23 myndir hér fyrir neðan, því að hér fáum við að sjá bakvið tjöldin á fullkomnum myndum:
#1 Beach vacation. Finally.

#2 – 3, 2, 1…and relax.

#3 Perfect illumination

#4 „Come on, we just need this pic that everyone has.“

#5 When the light at the store is just as good as the one at the studio:

#6 „She said her legs would look longer.“

#7 The secret is revealed…

#8 No filters…almost.

#9 Because they don’t want to wait for daylight…

#10 You just need proper lighting and a couple of hours in Photoshop!

#11 Friends will always be there for you.

#12 Mom decided to add some decor:

#13 This is what it looks like:

#14 Holiday mood

#15 „The Instagram version of me and the real me.“

#16 Beautiful pictures demand sacrifices.

#17 Looks a bit creepy in reality…

#18 When your girlfriend asks you to take a cool pic:

#19 When a photographer’s work is a workout routine:

#20 When you have a book blog:

#21 One who doesn’t take a risk gets no likes.

#22 A brief course on how to take a picture of your hands and your meal:

#23 When your friends and Photoshop can create a „wow“ effect: