
25 myndir þar sem aðalfjörið átti sér stað í BAKGRUNNINUM!

Allar 25 myndirnar hér fyrir neðan eiga það sameiginlegt að það er algjör senuþjófur í bakgrunninum.

Þær áttu að snúast um eitthvað allt annað – en nú eru þær bara einstaklega fyndnar fyrir vikið:

Not everyone had the best evening of their life.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

The child in the background knows a lot about narcissism.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„I am not even sure they know each other.“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„When you get a prime spot so the guy at the back has to propose by a bench.“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„My buddy went to a wedding last weekend, and this swan wouldn’t stop staring at him through the door.“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„A friend of mine ruined this moment between Kim and Kanye during a New Year’s Eve party a few years back.“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Elmo is devastated.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Envy as it is.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„My friend caught the bouquet. That is her boyfriend in the background.“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

When you wanted to hold the Leaning Tower of Pisa but suddenly found something more interesting:

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

The woman in the background doesn’t know she is going to be in the water in a second.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Everyone loves cats.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

That guy in the background is definitely laying an unkind scheme.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

No hippo can spoil a proposal…especially such a cutie.

It seems that the guy in the background still can’t believe that he finally bought food.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

„I can’t figure out which object in this pic makes me laugh the most: the girl who looks like she’s crying in the background, the ostrich, or the llama in the mirror…“

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

This white whale treats the event more seriously than some people do!

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

When you wanted to have a selfie with your friend but that old lady in the background spoiled the shot:

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

After alcohol, a frog should turn into a princess. Not vice versa.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

You are never too old for a bikini photo.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Some crazy things are happening here!

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

It seems that someone doesn’t like to be photographed at all.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Benedict Cumberbatch is still in his role.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background

Ah, this sausage! Ah, this look!

And this one is a total mess.

25 Photos Where the Main Action Happens in the Background



