
30 dýrum sem er ALVEG sama! – MYNDIR

Umhverfið okkar og aðstæður ráða því yfirleitt hvernig við hegðum okkur, eða allavegana hafa áhrif á það – en ekki í þessum 30 tilvikum.

Því að þessum 30 dýrum er alveg sama:

#1 This Guy Was Supposed To Learn How To Swim. He Decided Floating Was Good Enough

This Guy Was Supposed To Learn How To Swim. He Decided Floating Was Good Enough

#2 Oh Deer

Oh Deer

#3 Zero F*cks Given

Zero F*cks Given

#4 Crow Gives No F*cks

Crow Gives No F*cks

#5 This Duck… Gave Zero F*cks

This Duck... Gave Zero F*cks

#6 This Goat

This Goat


#7 This Turkey

This Turkey

#8 Kitty Doesn’t Care About Your Problems

Kitty Doesn't Care About Your Problems

#9 F*ck You, Other Duck

F*ck You, Other Duck

#10 This Cow Gives Zero F*cks

This Cow Gives Zero F*cks

#11 This Little Guy Jumped Onto Our Boat Strolled Into The Cabin And Made Himself At Home On The Couch

This Little Guy Jumped Onto Our Boat Strolled Into The Cabin And Made Himself At Home On The Couch

#12 Came Downstairs To See This Little Guy Making Himself Right At Home

Came Downstairs To See This Little Guy Making Himself Right At Home

#13 This Cat

This Cat

#14 Just A Chilling Cat Giving Zero F*cks In A Local Store

Just A Chilling Cat Giving Zero F*cks In A Local Store

#15 Poor Dog

Poor Dog

#16 Zero Fucks Were Given That Rainy Day

Zero Fucks Were Given That Rainy Day

#17 This Seagull

This Seagull

#18 Puppy Tries To Get His Bed Back. Cat Does Not Care

Puppy Tries To Get His Bed Back. Cat Does Not Care

#19 Made A Pie Crust. Turned Around To Get Filling. Turned Back Around And This Is What I Found

Made A Pie Crust. Turned Around To Get Filling. Turned Back Around And This Is What I Found

#20 The Most Elegant Of Centerpieces

The Most Elegant Of Centerpieces

#21 Over Time This Handsome Guy Became Very Comfortable In My Friend’s Backyard

Over Time This Handsome Guy Became Very Comfortable In My Friend's Backyard

#22 We Lost The Dude In The Sled About A Mile Back, But Who Cares, We’re Having Too Much Fun

We Lost The Dude In The Sled About A Mile Back, But Who Cares, We're Having Too Much Fun

#23 Zero F*cks Given

Zero F*cks Given

#24 F*cks Given Level: Goose

F*cks Given Level: Goose

#25 This Dog Who Doesn’t Give A Damn And Just Sits On Others

This Dog Who Doesn't Give A Damn And Just Sits On Others

#26 Some Cats Just Don’t Give A F*ck

Some Cats Just Don't Give A F*ck

#27 Wife Drives To Grandma’s House. Amount Of F*cks Given By Our New Rescue Cat: Zero

Wife Drives To Grandma's House. Amount Of F*cks Given By Our New Rescue Cat: Zero

#28 This Capybara Is Too Tired To Care

This Capybara Is Too Tired To Care

#29 Unimpressed Dog Is Unimpressed

Unimpressed Dog Is Unimpressed

#30 This Asshole Flew Through Two Panes Of Glass. Shook It Off. Destroyed My Bedroom. Shit On Everything He Destroyed, And Then Had The Audacity To Smile At Me As He Was Being Escorted From The Premises

This Asshole Flew Through Two Panes Of Glass. Shook It Off. Destroyed My Bedroom. Shit On Everything He Destroyed, And Then Had The Audacity To Smile At Me As He Was Being Escorted From The Premises




