
30 EPÍSK hönnunarklúður sem eru svo slæm – að enginn skilur hvernig þau áttu sér stað! – MYNDIR

Það er mikilvægt að hugsa út í öll smáatriðin þegar að kemur að hönnun á vöru, sama hver hún – því að ef að það er eitthvað sem er vanhugsað þá getur það gert vöruna ónothæfa.

Hér eru 30 epísk hönnunarklúður sem eru svo slæm að enginn skilur hvernig þau áttu sér stað:

#1 Apparently Scary Jesus Is A Thing

Apparently Scary Jesus Is A Thing

#2 Economy Class

Economy Class

#3 An Amazing Cover

An Amazing Cover

#4 This Is Not A Crime Scene, But An Hospital Hallway

This Is Not A Crime Scene, But An Hospital Hallway

#5 This Toilet Door

This Toilet Door

#6 The Music Mural At The Daycare I Work At Looks Like Two People Being Hung

The Music Mural At The Daycare I Work At Looks Like Two People Being Hung

#7 Where You Off To Grandma?

Where You Off To Grandma?

#8 Bad Design

Bad Design

#9 These Pants Were Not Thought Through

These Pants Were Not Thought Through

#10 My University Wishing Me Good Luck

My University Wishing Me Good Luck

#11 This Trashcan At Frankfurt Main Station

This Trashcan At Frankfurt Main Station

#12 There Is A Cursor In My Jigsaw Puzzle Picture

There Is A Cursor In My Jigsaw Puzzle Picture

#13 This Bicycle Path In Hungary

This Bicycle Path In Hungary

#14 This Flight Of Stairs Outside A Door Is Death Waiting To Happen

This Flight Of Stairs Outside A Door Is Death Waiting To Happen

#15 Notice How Life Looks Better Inside The Noose

Notice How Life Looks Better Inside The Noose

#16 Finally, A Cause Worth Contributing Towards

Finally, A Cause Worth Contributing Towards

#17 This Black Friday Sale Didn’t Do A Good Job Of Hiding Their Price Increase

This Black Friday Sale Didn't Do A Good Job Of Hiding Their Price Increase

#18 But… Where Did The Snowflake Come From?

But... Where Did The Snowflake Come From?

#19 Walgreen’s Vinegar On Your Left, My Husband’s Regular Sparkling Water Go-To On Your Right. He Discovered His Error A Little Too Late

Walgreen’s Vinegar On Your Left, My Husband’s Regular Sparkling Water Go-To On Your Right. He Discovered His Error A Little Too Late

#20 This Halloween Decoration At The Old Folks Home

This Halloween Decoration At The Old Folks Home

#21 My Feet Hurt Just Looking At This

My Feet Hurt Just Looking At This

#22 These Shoes With Suction Cups On The Bottom That Pop When I Walk On Smooth Surfaces

These Shoes With Suction Cups On The Bottom That Pop When I Walk On Smooth Surfaces

#23 Should Probably Put A Little More Emphasis On The Apostrophe

Should Probably Put A Little More Emphasis On The Apostrophe

#24 Experience


#25 Damn I Did It Again

Damn I Did It Again


#26 The Author Wanted Us To Know Something , That Who Ever Is Reading This , Is Indeed A

The Author Wanted Us To Know Something , That Who Ever Is Reading This , Is Indeed A

#27 Mother In Law Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Get A Sculpture Of This Beautiful Moment

Mother In Law Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Get A Sculpture Of This Beautiful Moment

#28 Just Purchased This Low Quality Fried Chicken At The Grocery Store

Just Purchased This Low Quality Fried Chicken At The Grocery Store

#29 “Make The Athlete Look Like She’s In Motion”

“Make The Athlete Look Like She’s In Motion”

#30 These Restroom Stalls Have Translucent Doors

These Restroom Stalls Have Translucent Doors




