Það er alltaf ákveðin áhætta fólgin í því að versla á netinu því að þú ert ekki búinn að sjá vöruna eins og hún er í alvörunni.
Þessar 30 manneskjur sjá allavegana virkilega eftir því að hafa tekið áhættuna – og deildu reynslunni svo við gætum hlegið að þeim…ég meina með þeim:
#1 This Patch I Ordered Off Amazon…
#2 My Grandpa’s Neighbor Ordered An Inflatable Santa Online… They Sent Him The Wrong Size
#3 Royal Quality
#4 My Wife Ordered A Backpack From Amazon To Use As A Carry On. Cat For Scale
#5 Might Be Wrong Though
#6 Photo Evidence Of Earrings That Never Arrived
#7 My Friend Bought This Costume Online And I’ve Been Laughing All Day
#8 Ordered A Russian Patch For My New Jacket… Got A Pride Flag
#9 Love My New Yeezys
#10 Never Buy A Cat Tree From Amazon
#11 From A French Airbnb Alternative
#12 Incredible Unicorn Calendar From Amazon
#13 Hopes Were Crushed
#14 I Didn’t Expect It To Look Like Pig Feet
#15 What You Order Vs What You Get
#16 When Your Dress You Ordered Looks Exactly Like The Pic Online
#17 Thanks Walmart, For My New Rug
#18 I’ve Actually Been Trolled By China. I Ordered The One On The Left From AliExpress And The One On The Right Turned Up
#19 I Ordered These Boots On Sale From Aldo.Com For 50% Off. I Received One Shoe
#20 The Bear Mask My Friend Ordered Vs The Nightmare Fuel He Received
#21 What I Ordered Vs. What Was Delivered. I Paid $135 For This Mess…
#22 My Little Sister Ordered A Blanket Online
#23 I Wish I Was Making This Up
#24 Wife Thought The Skillet Would Be A Little Bigger
#25 Toy Gun For A Toy
#26 I Ordered A Smart Light Bulb And Got A Chrome Fidget Spinner In A Light Bulb Box
The review he left on Amazon was spot on:
„I ordered this item on a cold Sunday night, and was pleasantly surprised on Monday morning when a package arrived with my name on it. I eagerly opened my Amazon package, giddy with the promise of 120 colours to brighten up my bedroom, and when I found a light bulb sized box emblazoned with the words „Smart RGBW Bulb“ I was delighted, all was going to plan.
However, my hopes of multi-coloured illumination came crashing down, I was shocked. I felt as if the 265 volts that were meant to be running through my smart light bulb were running through me. To my dismay, and with a growing feeling of confusion, I realized I was not the proud owner of a WIFI Smart Bulb, I was instead the bewildered owner of a chrome fidget spinner, fidget spinner case, and a small screwdriver (despite there seeming to be no screw head on the spinner).
Now, with my tail between my legs, and Hermes en route to collect my fidget spinner, I am forced to endure additional nights of bland, colourless light.
I have many questions, where is my bulb? Why did a fidget spinner come in a light bulb box? Why is this available on prime? Who hired someone who can confused a light bulb and a fidget spinner, and how dark must their house be? All questions I doubt I will ever get answers to.
I’m summary, order a different light bulb. Unless you want a fidget spinner, then this is the light bulb for you.“