
42 fyrirtæki sem HERMDU eftir frægum vörumerkjum! – MYNDIR

Fræg vörumerki velta milljörðum króna á hverjum degi alls staðar í heiminum án þess að hafa fyrir því, svo það er engin furða að fólk vilji reyna að næla sér í smá af velgengninni sem þeim fylgir.

Hér eru 42 fyrirtæki sem ákváðu að herma eftir frægum vörumerkjum:

#1 They’re Crappy, But Flattering

They're Crappy, But Flattering

#2 Had To Do A Double Take

Had To Do A Double Take

#3 I Saw This Movie Once

I Saw This Movie Once

#4 Pikado’h!


#5 When Hollywood Steals Your Idea

When Hollywood Steals Your Idea

#6 Nothing Is Possible In China

Nothing Is Possible In China

#7 Found This In Vietnam. Beautiful

Found This In Vietnam. Beautiful

#8 These Knockoff Jordans Gave Michael A Great Ass

These Knockoff Jordans Gave Michael A Great Ass

#9 Just Yelp For Help

Just Yelp For Help

#10 Looks A Bit… Phoney Doesn’t It

Looks A Bit... Phoney Doesn't It

#11 Why Get The North Face When You Can Get The Huge Mountain

Why Get The North Face When You Can Get The Huge Mountain

#12 Found In Costa Rica

Found In Costa Rica

#13 I Love These

I Love These

#14 Finally, A Brand That Totally Represents My View Towards Life

Finally, A Brand That Totally Represents My View Towards Life

#15 I Choose You, Chikapu!

I Choose You, Chikapu!

#16 Infinitiy War Is The Biggest Crossover Event In Histor-

Infinitiy War Is The Biggest Crossover Event In Histor-

#17 Aids


#18 The New Spinoff Sounds Delicious

The New Spinoff Sounds Delicious

#19 Watch Out Microsoft, Michael Bindows Is Comming

Watch Out Microsoft, Michael Bindows Is Comming

#20 Another Great Find In China

Another Great Find In China

#21 My Friend And I Died Laughing In The Store – Seen In Taiwan

My Friend And I Died Laughing In The Store - Seen In Taiwan

#22 Would You Like A Oreo? Nah I’d Rather Have A

Would You Like A Oreo? Nah I'd Rather Have A

#23 Just Visited The New Mall That Opened Recently And Saw This Beauty

Just Visited The New Mall That Opened Recently And Saw This Beauty

#24 Laundry


#25 Trans Boy

Trans Boy

#26 Can’t Decide Where To Buy From

Can’t Decide Where To Buy From

#27 Gender Equality Meets Retro Gaming

Gender Equality Meets Retro Gaming

#28 I Found A Japanese Knockoff Of The Movie “It”

I Found A Japanese Knockoff Of The Movie “It”

#29 Ordered This From A Chinese Company On Amazon And Thought You Would Like It

Ordered This From A Chinese Company On Amazon And Thought You Would Like It

#30 Bazoongis


#31 My Little Terrified Pony

My Little Terrified Pony

#32 My Favorite Crossover Movie

My Favorite Crossover Movie

#33 „Winnie The Pooh“ Blanket

"Winnie The Pooh" Blanket

#34 Don’t Know If This Is Crappy Or Clever Off Brand

Don’t Know If This Is Crappy Or Clever Off Brand

#35 This „Playstation Controller“

This "Playstation Controller"

#36 I Present You The Pinnacle Of Shanghai Markets, A Hot Glue NY Yankees Hat

I Present You The Pinnacle Of Shanghai Markets, A Hot Glue NY Yankees Hat

#37 How Did They Get Away With That!

How Did They Get Away With That!

#38 Definitely A Legitimate, Actual Apple Location. Very Real

Definitely A Legitimate, Actual Apple Location. Very Real

#39 The King Of The Magic Rings

The King Of The Magic Rings

#40 When Torpedoes Aren’t Enough

When Torpedoes Aren’t Enough

#41 Yea. It’s Garfield

Yea. It's Garfield

#42 Perfect Games Don’t Exi…

Perfect Games Don't Exi....




