Forritið Microsoft Paint er nú ekki hátt skrifað hjá einu sinni Microsoft sjálfu – því að tölvufyrirtækið ætlaði sér að hætta að bjóða upp á forritið áður en Internetið mótmælti og náði að halda því inni.
Þess vegna ætti það meira að segja að koma þeim á óvart hvað þessi 87 ára amma er að gera með Microsoft Paint:
87-year-old Concha Garcia Zaera enjoys a hobby that’s rather unusually among her friends
She creates incredibly intricate drawings using only MS Paint
“My husband fell ill and I had to take care of him, so I couldn’t go out very often”
She discovered the program after her children gave her a computer, and she hasn’t looked back ever since
“I began painting little things: first, a house, the next day I’d add a mountain…”
“Step by step, I was adding details, and in the end, the result was a very pretty thing”
“I have no imagination at all”
“I get inspiration from the postcards that my husband used to send me or drawings that I find and like”
Zaera spends about two weeks on one piece and focuses intensely on the details
One of her granddaughters suggested that she should post her artworks on Instagram
On March 9, she had about 300 followers. As of this post, more than 108,000 people are following the humble artist
“I do not understand very well why my drawings draw so much attention”
“I think they are very simple things”