
Deildu svölum RETRÓ myndum af ættingjum sínum – Fólk var greinilega fullorðinslegra í gamla daga! – MYNDIR

Fólk á samfélagsmiðlum ákvað að deila flottum gömlum myndum af fjölskyldunni sinni.

Og eins og þið sjáið á svölu retró myndunum hér fyrir neðan þá var fólk greinilega fullorðinslegra í gamla daga – svo mikið er víst.

#1 “My grandmother at age 16 in Mexico”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#2 “My paternal grandfather at age 16”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#3 “My grandmother at the age of 15”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#4 “My grandmother at 24 in 1934, dancing with my grandfather”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#5 “My grandmother at 16 years old in 1917”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#6 “This is my 18-year-old grandmother Concetta in 1945. She was the woman who taught me how to be sassy and classy.”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#7 “My grandfather’s WWII photograph — he was 18 years old. He’s still alive and sharp as a tack at 96!”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#8 “My great-grandmother and great-grandfather on their wedding day around the ages of 18 or 19”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#9 “My granddad (at 17 years old in the photo) at the Dublin races with his mother, my great-grandmother in 1940”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#10 “My grandmother at 23 years old, 1968”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#11 “This is my grandma at 16 — she’s turning 80 this year. She makes me laugh every day. I love this woman!”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#12 “My 14-year-old grandfather riding his new bike in 1949 in Dayton, Ohio”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#13 “This is my grandmother on her confirmation day in 1941. She’s 14 years old in this picture and she made her own dress.”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#14 “My handsome grandfather when he was my age (32)”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#15 “My grandpa, 23, posing for his football picture at the University of Chicago in 1922 — he would later become a commander in the U.S. Navy during World War II.”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#16 “My 16-year-old grandmother, 1922”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#17 “My grandpa, only 17 years old in Vietnam”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#18 “My grandpa at 19 years old in 1940”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#19 “My grandma at age 41— I only hope to look that good when I’m 41!”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#20 “I wore my grandmother’s wedding dress from 1956 for my own wedding in 2019. Fit like a dream!”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#21 “My grandmother on the beach in the late 1940s compared to me in the late 2010s – same age”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today

#22 “This is my grandmother Francine and me around the same age.”

20+ Users Shared Cool Retro Photos of Their Relatives and Compared Them to Themselves Today



