
Dwayne Johnson hélt líkræðu í jarðaför föður síns – Það var ekki þurrt auga í kirkjunni! – MYNDBAND

Dwayne The Rock Johnson deildi myndbandinu hér fyrir neðan í minningu föður síns.

Í myndbandinu fáum við að sjá og heyra líkræðuna sem hann Dwayne hélt í jarðaförinni – og það er óhætt að segja að það hafi ekki verið þurrt auga í kirkjunni.

Dad, you lived a full and meaningful life •

You trail blazed and even harder, you changed people’s harsh behaviors toward a man of color.
Paving the way for me, my family and generations to come.
You loved us with the capacity of which you could – given all the givens.
Raised me with an iron hand and a tough complicated love.
A love that now, as a father and man, I’ve learned to refine as I raise my own children.
I wish I had one more shot.
To say one more thing.
You were taken too fast.
Slipped right thru my hands.
But you were so loved, lived so full, defined culture and now you rest high.
And that makes my heart smile.
I love you and now I have an angel to call by name.
I’ll see you down the road, Soulman.
Til we meet again.
Your son ??




