
Hér eru nokkrar sprenghlægilegar myndir sem voru teknar í FLUGVÉLUM!

Mörgum finnst gaman að sitja í flugvél á meðan aðrir gjörsamlega hata það. Hérna eru nokkrar sprenghlægilegar myndir sem hafa verið teknar í flugvélum.

This man apparently drank a whole bottle of duty-free alcohol, before starting to spit at other passengers, screaming at a woman sitting next to him that the plane was going to crash, and then finally trying to choke a fellow passenger before he was restrained by flightgoers with masking tape

It's unclear why this woman decided to wrap herself up in a plastic bag but hopefully it made her less anxious about the flight

Some people have shared photos of truly unacceptable passenger behaviour, such as this man who used a plane window as a sock dryer

Some people bring along animal companions onto their flights to ease their anxiety about flying, but a turkey is one of the most unusual pets ever brought onto a plane

One passenger even brought a duck onto a flight in the US

An alarming number of passengers seem to think it's acceptable to poke their bare feet through gaps in the seat so that they're resting on the arm rest of the person in front of them

This person's view of their in-flight film was more than a bit obscured by swathes of black hair

This passenger's bobble hat looks rather phallic - and a person behind them couldn't resist taking a snap

One flightgoer had some fun on an in-flight chat room, by calling himself 'Pilot' and pretending the pilot was sitting amongst fellow passengers

This man's  beard bears a resemblance to that of sinister character Seneca Crane in the Hunger Games franchise 

Legs akimbo! It looks as if this passenger has spread their legs upwards and widely, with an impressive span. The man next to him can't be too impressed

Is this the cutest passenger of all time? One flightgoer snapped a very cuddle animal companion sitting next to him

Two elderly Saudi men got very excited on their first ever flight and just had to look out of the window

The TV screens on this flight paused in a very amusing place when the pilot had to make an announcement




