
Þetta eru RÍKU krakkarnir í Þýskalandi að gera á Instagram! – Myndir

Sumt fólk þarf aldrei að spá í peningum og hefur aldrei þurft að gera það. Ríku krakkarnir í Þýskalandi eru komnir með sína eigin Instagram-síðu þar sem þeir deila myndum sem sýna hvað þau eru að skemmta sér mikið.

Many of the photos feature unaffordable super cars such as these photographed against a breathtaking setting 

This bejeweled watch is encrusted with thousands of diamonds and reportedly cost $100,000

Taking a break from sunbathing this teen spent two hours arranging corona bottles in his private pool to spell out Louis Vuitton 

One woman showcased her ample assets as well as a rather pricey piece of wrist-wear 

Many of the sports cars on the account are stuffed full of designer clobber and Champagne 

This skipper enjoys a swig of Champagne while enjoying the view of the harbour on his yacht

Parked out the front of this enormous property are enough super cars to constitute a fleet 

This stylish young woman enjoys the views over Berlin from the comfort of her balcony 

In this romantic snap a couple showcase their expensive taste in time pieces 

With paintings hung on the wall and reclining seats, whoever is boarding this private plane is surely in for a smooth flight 

A well-dressed traveller settles in for a long flight aboard this private jet 

What goes better with sushi than more sushi - and a glass of Dom Perignon of course 

In this triple whammy a man shows off his Ferrari, Rolex and a pair of Louboutin trainers 

A suave looking gentlemen looks eager to get off the tarmac and make his way to what is presumably a fiver star destination 

With the fireplace as their backdrop this man took the opportunity to show off his and hers designer watches 

Private jets aren't the only ways to take to the air with this woman ready to hop aboard a helicopter 




