
Lindsay Lohan tók upp HANSKANN fyrir Trump! – „Hættið að leggja hann í einelti!“

Lindsay Lohan varð heimsfræg mjög snemma þar sem hún lék í nokkrum vinsælum bíómyndum sem barn. Það er ekkert mikið búið að gerast hjá Lohan í leiklistinni eftir að hún varð fullorðin þar sem hún fór aðeins yfir strikið í djammi og þess háttar.

Lindsay var komin með nóg af því að fólk væri að tala illa um Donald Trump svo hún tók upp hanskann fyrir hann á Twitter.

'@realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @FLOTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr are kind people. As An American, why speak poorly of anyone? #FAITH #July4th,' said the Mean Girls superstar in response to a tweet referencing former President Obama as a 'clown'

Another user posted a picture of Charlie Gard, the British infant suffering from a rare genetic order and commented how the President was a 'Real POTUS & Man' because he lended his voice to support the family. To that, Lohan added: '@LeahR77 @CNN THIS IS our president. Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA'

Margir voru mjög ósáttir með þessi orð frá leikkonunni og svöruðu henni.

'I don't trust anyone who brags about sexually assaulting women. And when it comes to bullying, POTUS flings mud pretty well himself,' said M Distey

It was a sentiment shared by another user who said: 'Not to be rude, but why defend Trump after he publicly referred to u & said "troubled woman r the best to sleep with" that's not kind at all'

ATTN's Omri shared a photo set of Jamie Lee Curtis yelling at someone while drinking a beer in reference to Lohan's tweet

En hún var auðvitað ekki ein í liði og fólk fór að taka undir með Lindsay Lohan.

'The hate under this tweet is despicable , all because you support our President. Thank you for being a patriot. #PatriotsUnited,' responded one of the original posters.

One user brought up how people used to treat the President and said: 'Because everyone was Trumps best friend before he ran for President. Oh how quickly people forget. Hollywood is so two faced'

And a different user praised the actress's bravery and added: 'I'm so proud of you Lindsay. This takes a lot to tweet this in your industry'




