
Neyðarlegar SELFÍS þar sem fólk hefði átt að skoða spegilmyndina betur! – MYNDIR

Selfís eru næstum því helmingurinn af öllum myndum á netinu og því ættu allir að vera með grunnatriðin á hreinu.

Númer eitt skoðaðu myndina áður en þú setur hana á netið – annars gætir þú lent í þessu:

1. Yeah, look at all that traffic

woman lies about traffic on road

2. Mirror selfies? She should nose better

mirror bathroom picture

3. How did she not notice this before posting?

toilet selfie

4. Look at this big strong boy taking a picture with his mommy

mom takes picture of ripped guy

5. To be fair, this guy probably does refer to his hand as his girlfriend

guy fakes girlfriend picture

6. Stick to checking out the merchandise, buddy

reflection shows guy checking woman out

7. Surpriiiiiise

friend in mirror

8. That’ll teach her to leave her dog out of selfies

dog ruins girl's selfie




