Börn eru ótrúleg! Þau eru sífellt að koma þér á óvart og þau geta svo mikið meira en við gefum þeim nokkurn tímann tækifæri til að reyna.
Þau eru til dæmis snillingar í að búa sér til leikföng, sem sést best þegar að þau eru ekki með endalaust af leikföngum eða snjalltæki sem þau geta auðveldlega nálgast.
Hér eru 17 myndir sem sanna að sköpunargáfa barna á sér engin takmörk þegar kemur að leikföngum:
1. This guy dreamt of having a mobile phone, so he made one.
2. This Rwanda gang worked together and made a great bike.
3. A handmade pool table is all it takes to become a master of the game.
4. A mariachi band is born in Africa.
5. This girl who wants to be a fashion designer already made her first bag!
6. This little driver in Angola made his truck with whatever he found on the street and it’s so good.
7. Let’s go fly a kite with this boy’s creation from a plastic bag.
8. This creative girl makes cute animal toys with chenille sticks.
9. A paper ball is this guy’s way of having fun with his friends in Zimbabwe.
10. A tiny, handwritten computer is this guy’s way of learning.
11. This boy transformed cardboard boxes from shipments of humanitarian supplies into a bus.
12. A boy made an awesome homemade car from an oil can.
13. This Indian boy’s favorite toy is a homemade cricket bat.
14. These kids in Botswana, Africa are so happy with their handmade guitar.
15. This kid made a massage chair for his grandma and it’s so adorable.
16. This innovative child made his new toy all by himself out of canes.
17. Her favorite stuffed friend wanted to zipline, so she made him happy.
Bonus: Following in the footsteps of his father who’s a filmmaker, this fella is playing with a handmade cardboard camera.
This „mom“ made a tiny dollhouse for her daughter.