
Taílensku fótboltastrákarnir héldu ró sinni út af þessu – Voru yfirvegaðir á meðan þeir biðu eftir björgun! – MYND

Þjálfari taílensku fótboltastrákanna sem festust í helli í Taílandi átti stóran þátt í því að strákarnir náðu að vera svona yfirvegaðir á meðan þeir biðu eftir björgun.

Þjálfarinn var nefnilega Búdda munkur í heilan áratug, sérfræðingur í hugleiðslu, sem hann kenndi þeim til að hjálpa þeim að tækla málið.

Nú vilja margir meina að þetta sé sýnidæmi um mátt hugleiðslu og að hugleiðsla ætti að vera hluti af hefðbundinni kennslu barna:

For those that are following and praying for the young kids in the cave. Here’s an incredibly captivating image that shows the young boys meditating. THIS is why learning these skills at a young age are so incredibly important. These life supporting techniques will help them remain calm and centred in a time of fear. This is why programs on mindfulness and meditation are so essential in the modern world for today’s children and a huge part to why we built The Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids . It’s giving them tools to manage the unexpected, to be able to support themselves emotionally and encompass a strength of the mind at the times when it matters most. We are so proud of these boys and of course their coach that taught them these essential life skills that neuroscience is now demonstrating just how important this is. We continue to pray. Credit Image Bita and shared by Krista. #thaicaverescue #thaicave #peace #love #meditation #mindfulness #connection #pray #children #kidsmatter #education #emotionalliteracy

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Þetta er þjálfarinn, Ekapol Chanthawong, með strákunum.




