
Þau voru VERULEGA ósátt við spegilmyndina – Gjörbreyttu lífi sínu og kílóin fuku! – 27 MYNDIR

Það er rosalega erfitt fyrir venjulega manneskju að losa sig við 5 aukakíló sem slysast á um hátíðar, í sumarfríum eða í samkomubanni.

Svo það er ansi grimmt að dæma fólk sem þarf að losa sig við mun meira en það og svo finna einhverja leið til að passa að þau komi ekki bara aftur.

Hér fyrir neðan eru 27 fyrirmyndir sem voru verulega ósáttar við spegilmyndina en gjörbreyttu svo lífi sínu og losuðu sig við aukakílóin á methraða:

#1 „Ég missti 145 pund á einu ári“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#2 Losaði sig við 110 pund á 12 mánuðum

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#3 „Ég var 402 pund og missti 109 pund á 9 mánuðum“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#4 „Ég sagði BLESS við 110 pund á 1 ári og 5 mánuðum“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#5 Missti 103 pund á 2 árum

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#6 Losaði sig við 202 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#7 Fór frá því að vera 280 pund niður í að vera 120 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#8 Munurinn á þessum myndum eru 85 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#9 Hún losaði sig við næstum helminginn af þyngdinni sinni

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#10 „Ég er 330 pund á vinstri myndinni og 175 pund á þeirri hægri“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#11 „Ég var 305 pund – en nú er ég 207 pund“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#12 Losaði sig við 99 pund á 11 mánuðum

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#13 „Á 9 mánuðum þá losaði ég mig við 101 auka pund“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#14 „Ég losaði mig við meira en 33% af þyngdinni minni“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#15 „Ég kvaddi 155 pund“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#16 Hún missti 176 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#17 Þessi 123 pund eiga nú heima í fortíðinni

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#18 „Ég var einu sinni 160 pund en nú er ég 114 pund“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#19 Fór frá 220 pundum niður í 134 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#20 Hún missti næstum 90 pund á einu ári

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#21 Það fóru 92 pund á 14 mánuðum

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#22 „Losaði mig við 170 pund og varð önnur manneskja“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#23 Seinni myndin er tekin 99 pundum síðar

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#24 Vinstri = 225 pund vs Hægri = 130 pund

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#25 „Ég losaði mig við 200 pund á 2 árum“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#26 Missti 209 pund á 13 mánuðum

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees

#27 „Ég losaði mig við 88 pund og gerðist fitnessbloggari“

Photos of People Who Couldn’t Stand Looking at Themselves in the Mirror and Changed Their Lives 180 Degrees




