Það er ótrúlegt hvað það er hægt að komast langt í lífinu og gera margt þrátt fyrir að maður geri það bara með hálfum hug. En að byggja hús er ekki eitt af því sem fellur í þann flokk.
Hér eru þrettán hræðilegir hlutir sem byggingareftirlit hafa fundið í úttektum sínum:
They missed…
YES, this is a real skull & YES it was called in to the police and YES it was confirmed by a detective coroner. While doing a real estate inspection in the valley, one of our assessors came across the above skull. It was said to be found in Peru by the previous owners. Apparently, they brought it back in their luggage when returning from their vacation in Peru. Why they would do this is beyond me. This was later confirmed by the sellers of the property that it was in fact brought back over to the states from Peru. The skull, which was studied by the coroner, was roughly 1,000 years old. This is by far one of the craziest things we’ve seen doing foundation inspections in Los Angeles.
Now, I forgot the term for these, but basically it’s a massive hole/well that was about a meter under the concrete footing. The owner had no idea this was here. Must have been there for decades.
A car jack perhaps?
And there goes the other half of your house
And they were wondering why their floors were sagging.
During an inspection, one of our assessors found this beauty. A wall created entirely out of concrete filled washing machines.
It may seem as if this is a photo was taken at an angle, but I assure you, it was perfectly straight. The floors are just sloping down a good 6 inches from the middle of the home.
This is something you don’t see every day: A colony of bees/hornets/wasps, have created a honeycombed nest on the carcass of a dead animal and it became the perfect online content. Nasty.
This is a foundation made up of river rock, some sort of hardened mortar and the tears of the contractors who did it. Also, I see a rhino!
„I have sagging floors“ And this is why.