
Þrjátíu FALIN skilaboð á hversdagslegum vörum sem fólk bjóst ekki við að finna! – MYNDIR

Það er fátt betra en fyrirtæki með húmor og í öðru sæti eru fyrirtæki með eitthvað spennandi sem er falið í vörunni þeirra – og flestar vörurnar hér fyrir neðan falla undir bæði.

Hér eru allavegana 30 falin skilaboð á hversdagslegum vörum sem fólk bjóst ekki við að finna:

#1 My Raincoat Reveals A Floral Pattern When Wet

My Raincoat Reveals A Floral Pattern When Wet

#2 Hidden Underneath A Packet Of Sweets

Hidden Underneath A Packet Of Sweets

#3 While We Are Talking About Shirt Tags: Classic From Top Gear

While We Are Talking About Shirt Tags: Classic From Top Gear

#4 Smart Ass Wine Box

Smart Ass Wine Box

#5 Opened Up My Gaming Headset To Replace The Cord And Was Greeted By This

Opened Up My Gaming Headset To Replace The Cord And Was Greeted By This

#6 Your Turn

Your Turn

#7 The Footrest In My New Jeep Says „Sand Snow Rivers Rocks“ In Morse Code

The Footrest In My New Jeep Says "Sand Snow Rivers Rocks" In Morse Code

#8 The Underside Of This Coconut Water

The Underside Of This Coconut Water

#9 This Swiss Water Bottle Has A The Shape Of A Mountain Inside The Bottle

This Swiss Water Bottle Has A The Shape Of A Mountain Inside The Bottle

#10 Essential Guidance

Essential Guidance

#11 Label Buried Deep In My Inside Suit Pocket

Label Buried Deep In My Inside Suit Pocket

#12 Who In Their Right Mind Would Hit The Floofers Anyway?

Who In Their Right Mind Would Hit The Floofers Anyway?

#13 Smiley Faces Under Keyboard Knobs

Smiley Faces Under Keyboard Knobs

#14 A Hidden Message Underneath The Circuit Board

A Hidden Message Underneath The Circuit Board

#15 This Was On A Lotion They Provide At My Hotel

This Was On A Lotion They Provide At My Hotel

#16 I Drink This Beer Often, And Just Now Noticed This

I Drink This Beer Often, And Just Now Noticed This

#17 Fashion Affirmation

Fashion Affirmation

#18 Yeah, Maybe If You’re Jason Bourne

Yeah, Maybe If You’re Jason Bourne

#19 On My Pancake Mix Bag

On My Pancake Mix Bag

#20 These Care Instructions On A Kid’s Swim Diaper

These Care Instructions On A Kid's Swim Diaper

#21 My Yogurt Just Brightened My Day

My Yogurt Just Brightened My Day

#22 Printed On The Circuit Board Of A Car In Deep Space

Printed On The Circuit Board Of A Car In Deep Space

#23 Saw This At A Bar I Went To Today (Look At The Serial Number)

Saw This At A Bar I Went To Today (Look At The Serial Number)

#24 Found A Bird On This Board

Found A Bird On This Board

#25 The Bottom Of My Batman Coffee Mug

The Bottom Of My Batman Coffee Mug

#26 Chocolate Bar Found In Montréal Gas Station

Chocolate Bar Found In Montréal Gas Station

#27 This Label On My Sparkling Ice Bottle

This Label On My Sparkling Ice Bottle

#28 The Instructions On These Socks I Bought

The Instructions On These Socks I Bought

#29 Just Noticed This Reading The Back Of The Instruction Pamphlet For Cards Against Humanity

Just Noticed This Reading The Back Of The Instruction Pamphlet For Cards Against Humanity

#30 Take Care, You Only Have One. Reminds Me Of The Frank And Beans Part In ‘There’s Something About Mary’ Movie

Take Care, You Only Have One. Reminds Me Of The Frank And Beans Part In 'There's Something About Mary' Movie




