
Tiger Woods var HANDTEKINN í gær! – Og nú er þessi mynd að gera allt vitlaust!

Einu sinni var Tiger Woods með allt á hreinu. Hann var andlit golfsins og einn ríkasti íþróttamaður heims. En eftir að það komst upp að hann var búinn að halda framhjá konunni sinni marg oft hrundi allt hjá Tiger.

Nú í gær var hann handtekinn fyrir ölvunarakstur og settur inn í fangelsi. Þar var þessi mynd tekin af honum.

Nú er þessi mynd að flakka um internetið og fólk mikið búið að gera grín af aumingja manninum.

Uncanny resemblance: One poster on Twitter compared Woods to the famous noughties robot

Virgin Radio changed Woods' mugshot to make it apt for 'tee time' 

Another user on Instagram mocked Woods' previous sponsorship with Nike 

Users photoshopped Woods' face onto an Xbox game

A redrawn version of the new Kendrick Lamar album, now featuring WoodsAnother user put Snapchat filters on Woods' mugshot

In another Instagram post a user changed Tiger Woods' sex 

Woods is currently rehabilitating from back injury 

A particularly cutting meme reminded the internet of Tiger Woods in his better days 

The golfer said that prescription drugs, and not alcohol, was to blame for his DUI arrest

Many posters compared Woods' disheveled look to his previous clean-cut image 

Woods' image has been in a tailspin ever since he was found to have been cheating on his wife in 2009

Woods has endured several years of personal struggles and back injuries 

He apologized profusely for the incident and said  he took 'full responsibility' for his actions

Woods has struggled to return to golf after a series of injuries 

The former golfer apologized and said he'd do 'everything' in his power to make sure it didn't happen again 

Woods was forced to withdraw from the Dubai Desert Classic in February due to back injury 




