
Tuttugu GRIMM dæmi um muninn á væntingum og raunveruleikanum!

Þegar að við sjáum auglýsingar eða heyrum einhvern lýsa stað eða vöru þá verða til væntingar – og það er nú ekki alltaf sem raunveruleikinn stenst væntingar okkar.

Hér eru 20 grimm dæmi um muninn á væntingum og raunveruleikanum:

“Restaurant’s charcuterie board as advertised vs What I got”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

Just a little bit closer

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“$60 ‘professional’ Halloween makeup. I asked for the photo on the left, with just a little fake blood. On the right is what the makeup artist gave me.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I was going for ‘boho chic,’ but the internet shop gave me ‘tacky brothel’.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

Find 10 differences.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I ordered a birthday cake for my niece.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

They did their best.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

It seems fine… Wait a minute!

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“My Darth Maul birthday cake ate too much cake.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

When you’re that unlucky.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I decided to try the new $55, 27” pizza that’s hugely advertised for being the best thing ever.“

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

It seems that a dog groomer’s cut isn’t much different from a human stylist’s cut.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I tried to make dried orange wheels. I feel like they turned out pretty well.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

It seems like something is missing here.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

Perfect match

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I went on a hike today that promised stunning views. My pic is on the bottom.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

Definitely not my size!

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“The left pic is what I asked for, the right pics are what I ended up with.”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I saw this photo on the internet (left). I thought it would be cute to try it (right).”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

“I ordered this patch from an internet shop…”

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations

Norway is merciless to its tourists.

20+ Fierce Examples of How Reality Doesn’t Match Our Expectations




