
Tuttugu skipti þar sem fólk bjó með SKRÍMSLI – og varð að deila sönnunargögnunum! – MYNDIR

Þessar 20 manneskjur komust að því að manneskja eða manneskjur á heimilinu voru algjör skrímsli.

Þá er náttúrulega ekki annað hægt en að deila sönnunargögnunum þegar að skrímslin láta til skara skríða:

#1 The Way My Wife Opens Things

The Way My Wife Opens Things

#2 My Wife Hung A Nice Picture And A Small Shelf While I Was On Duty. Now My Eye Is Twitching

My Wife Hung A Nice Picture And A Small Shelf While I Was On Duty. Now My Eye Is Twitching

#3 My Housemate Still Hasn’t Got Rid Of His Pumpkin From Halloween

My Housemate Still Hasn’t Got Rid Of His Pumpkin From Halloween

#4 I Lost A Loved One Today. I’m Not Sure Which One Yet, But Whoever Cuts Cheese Cake Like This Is Dead To Me

I Lost A Loved One Today. I'm Not Sure Which One Yet, But Whoever Cuts Cheese Cake Like This Is Dead To Me

#5 My Wife Never Finishes A Bottle Of Shampoo Or Body Wash Before Buying A New Kind And Leaving The Old Ones

My Wife Never Finishes A Bottle Of Shampoo Or Body Wash Before Buying A New Kind And Leaving The Old Ones

#6 Why I Keep A Secret Tube Of Toothpaste From My Wife And Children

Why I Keep A Secret Tube Of Toothpaste From My Wife And Children

#7 Damn 3-Year-Olds

Damn 3-Year-Olds

#8 My Roommate’s Toothbrush

My Roommate's Toothbrush

#9 What Kind Of Person Leaves This In The Freezer

What Kind Of Person Leaves This In The Freezer

#10 I’m Starting A Fight With My Wife

I'm Starting A Fight With My Wife

#11 „Flatmate Made Pasta, Then Left For A Vacation.“ (I Sort Of Want To Cuddle It)

"Flatmate Made Pasta, Then Left For A Vacation." (I Sort Of Want To Cuddle It)

#12 My Roommate And I Own Only Two Pots. When He Cooks, He Stores The Leftovers In The Fridge In The Pots, Instead Of Putting Them In Containers

My Roommate And I Own Only Two Pots. When He Cooks, He Stores The Leftovers In The Fridge In The Pots, Instead Of Putting Them In Containers

#13 My Side Of The Room vs. My Roommate’s Side

My Side Of The Room vs. My Roommate's Side

#14 My Flatmate Isn’t The Biggest Fan Of Hygiene. This Festive Potato Managed To Grow In His Cupboard

My Flatmate Isn’t The Biggest Fan Of Hygiene. This Festive Potato Managed To Grow In His Cupboard

#15 Holiday With New Boyfriend – He Opens Bread Like This

Holiday With New Boyfriend - He Opens Bread Like This

#16 My Wife Never Fully Screws The Lids Back Onto Anything

My Wife Never Fully Screws The Lids Back Onto Anything

#17 My Wife Likes To Put Her Food And Drinks On Electronics

My Wife Likes To Put Her Food And Drinks On Electronics

#18 My Wife Is A Monster

My Wife Is A Monster

#19 The Way My Housemate Tidied These Shoes

The Way My Housemate Tidied These Shoes

#20 My Roommate Leaves Her Cat’s Litter Box Scoop In Our Kitchen Sink

My Roommate Leaves Her Cat's Litter Box Scoop In Our Kitchen Sink




